Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It has its moments

Sunday brought a steady downpour of rain. I finally got the message: It was time to leave Mt. Beauty. I had toyed with the idea of hanging around the local area until the flying improved, but this was too much. If I was going to fly in these mountains it would have to be during a future trip to Australia. Now it was time to move on.

Even leaving was difficult. The fires had many of the mountain roads closed, and unless I wanted to backtrack through the flatlands there was really only one way to go. I headed North up the Kiewa Valley, then East along the Murray Valley to Corryong. From Corryong I went Northeast through the Kosciuszko National Park to Kiandra, then through the Snowy Mountains to Cooma. From Cooma I had a choice of the inland route north through Canberra, or continuing to the Southwest to the coast at Tathra. I decided on the coastal route. I had seen plenty of smoky, rainy mountains and hot, dry flatlands. It was time to go to the ocean and recharge. From Tathra I had a pleasant and scenic run up the coast, avoiding Sydney, but still battling my way around the outskirts. From Sydney north I took the old Pacific Highway which wound its way through National Park before dumping me onto the coastal road at Gosford. I stayed the night at Norah Head, and today I will continue up the coast to Port Macquarie where Andrew and Anna have invited me to come and stay and fly.

This morning I was having my breakfast looking at the ocean from the cliffs at Norah Head and an older gentleman strolled past. “I’m Impressed!” He said. “Why’s that?” I asked. “The lifestyle” he replied. “It has its moments,” I countered. A few minutes later he ambled by coming from the other direction. “What’s that blue object?” He asked. “A hang glider.” I told him. “Awgh!” He cried, “Wait’ll I tell me mates!”

Yes, I thought as I looked out at the South Pacific crashing on the rocks; it does have its moments.


Anonymous said...

Nice pics Dave! HOpe you "hit it" again soon. It'll be MINUS 17 degrees here in a few days!! Enjoy. =:-) PK

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, I am truly enjoying your posts. We have had some 55 degree days here in central Oregon and the days are becoming noticeably longer. Enjoy your days and may the moments linger.

Another PK